发布日期: 2022-01-05 10:55:16 来源: 腾讯新闻



巴林前驻华大使  安瓦尔·艾勒阿卜杜拉 博士

Dr.Anwar Alabdulla,Former Ambassador of  the Kingdom of Bahrain to China

首届亚非女性发展与合作论坛讯   2021年12月30日下午,亚非妇女发展与权益保障促进会在北京成功举办首届亚非女性发展与合作论坛和亚非女性共庆新年招待会。中共中央对外联络部原副部长于洪君、亚非地区驻华使节、国际机构驻华代表、专家学者、国内外媒体等中外嘉宾150余人应邀出席。论坛期间,举办了以“助力她健康”为主题的圆桌会议。
















Women Lead the Way to Sustainable Development

First Asia-African Women’s Development and Cooperation Forum

By Dr. Anwar Alabdulla

Former Ambassador of the Kingdom of Bahrain to China

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is an honour and a privilege for me to address and share my thoughts with all of you at the First Asia-African Women’s Development and Cooperation Forum. I wish to congratulate heartily the organizers – the Women’s Empowerment and Development Society in Asia and Africa (WEDS-AA) – as well as the countless people who work tirelessly to promote the women’s cause and sustainable development in all corners of the world. In all of our efforts in promoting and recognizing women’s vital role in sustainable development, we are inspired by the vision, creativity, hard work, accomplishments and guidance of Ms. Meiling Zhao, the founder and President of WEDS-AA. This forum is a tribute to her.

In May 2017 at the Belt and Road Forum in Beijing, Chinese Presidentoutlined his vision of a new economic order and affirmed that: “What we hope to create is a big family of harmonious co-existence.” The key, operative word in this sentence is “family”, conjuring up images of mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers and, metaphorically, extended familial groups projected into the international community that is bound together to achieve peace, harmony, social justice and economic development in Asia, Africa and the world.

This forum has a powerful message that needs to be heard worldwide: women have a vital role in the development process. However, we must be honest with ourselves, and each other, and recognize that women continue to face a struggle in virtually every society to achieve the respect, the empowerment and opportunities that they deserve in the development process. Traditional gender roles and expectations can reinforce women’s exclusion from important participation in development and undermine real success. As a practical example, in some less developed countries, the collection and provision of water or subsistence farming may be defined as “female responsibilities” that could reduce the amount of time that women and girls would have for education, employment and social development.

Developmentalists now acknowledge that advocacy for greater gender equality does not fully tackle the real structural problem. The concept of “sustainable development” has taken hold: it involves more than the development and access to physical, economic and technological resources; human-centred development promotes social and cultural norms and respect for the environment.

The evidence of the success of the sustainable development approach is substantial. The most widely referenced research on the importance of women in sustainable development has come from the World Bank’s ‘Gender Mainstreaming Strategy’. This research highlighted that societies that discriminate by gender tend to experience less rapid economic growth and poverty reduction than societies that treat males and females more equally, and that social gender disparities produce economically inefficient outcomes (World Bank 2001). Without education, science and communications, we cannot understand and solve problems; without innovation and technology, modern economies cannot achieve long term growth. Without women’s participation we lose at least half of our vision, creativity and resources to accomplish great things.

On an international level – and in the spirit of the new economic vision of the OBOR – let us encourage Asia-African cultural exchanges and cooperation in science, education, work and leisure: this cooperation humanizes us, encourages mutual understanding, and empowers us to solve common problems more efficiently.

I wish to conclude with a call to action. All embassies in the PRC are encouraged to join hands with the WEDS-AA to embrace the empowerment of women in society and sustainable development, in Asia, Africa and everywhere. Let us be inspired by the global village concept and tackle problems at the individual, family, community, national and regional levels; each individual accomplishment contributes to the building of nodes and networks of a new, more inclusive, more just, and more sustainable economic order.

I wish you all the very best and look forward to your achievements.

God bless you all.

Thank you.

